Sunday, May 24, 2009

Its been a whil

It's been a while since new Bape items have caught my interest.
Bapesta Animal Hoody Pack featuring the cow, panda, tiger, and shark


pics via hypebeast lawls

I wonder why they don't have a fish shoe.. Lol
Anyways, overall these are pretty plain shoes, but they still look nice. Very simple, clean, and mature look compared to older bape items. This is a good change that I am looking forward to seeing more of because I eventually have to get my grown man on and this will be a nice transition. Yee!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


So in the past few weeks I've watched a bunch of Korean movies. Overall, they were all pretty damn good. Good plot with lots of drinking, fighting and smoking. I'm not going to lie, I wanted to do all three while watching and after LOL

Here are a couple

City of Violence
Chingoo (Friend)
Doosaboo ilchae 1& 2 (My Boss, My Hero)
Fighter in the Wind
Haebaragi (Sunflower)
Lost Memories
Pongryeok-sseokeul (Gangster High)
Tae Guk Gi (The Brotherhood Of War)

Check em out yo!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Rude Awakenings

I can't believe someone could be so inconsiderate. I'm fucking sleeping peacefully and you open the door to hang out in the lounge chatting away with others and you don't even close the fucking door. Thanks a lot asshole.

I don't usually hold grudges against people or get angry easily, but you my friend have ticked me off for the last time. I could tell from the beginning that you were a potential asshole, and you haven't proved me wrong. You arrogant shit, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be in the position you are in today. You wouldn't have hooked up with the girl of your dreams. You could at least be considerate. I hope you're finally realizing how you need to change your ways. Especially when I slammed the door on you. Fucker jocking on my steeze, you really annoy me now.

This motherfucker piles up the trash in the lounge and never takes it out. He takes my bottles of water without asking even when I tell him I'm running out, he just replies with "oh really?" I fucking tell him to look at the case there's only 3 bottles left and he doesn't say a thing.

I've done so much for you man. I helped you establish your own club here. I woke you up after long nights of work and you had to get up for class or to meet up with a girl. I made sure that you got out of bed to go to your commitments. I offered you food whenever the Dining Commons was closed and you were hungry. I brought your camera to KCN practice when I had other things to do. Even when I went to come support you at KCN, you asked me to go back to the room to get your camera, and I did even though I didn't have to. When you were in times of doubt, I was always there to talk to you. I helped you out when it came to approaching girls and gave you the confidence to ask a girl out.

The only times you did anything nice for me was because I had already did something nice for you and probably felt bad if you didn't. I remember talking to a friend about you and he said you were a arrogant asshole and I defended you saying that you're not. Well, now things have changed.

You were tolerable before, but now I can't stand you. I'm glad that the semester is coming to an end and that I don't have to deal with you anymore.

Thanks for being the biggest asshole ever David W.S. Cheng

- Your roommate

Friday, May 1, 2009

school and shiet

I really need to shape up in terms of school. Lately I haven't been motivated to go to class or do any work. In return my grades have been falling. Ever since I found out that I had no chance in passing Math 022 and was unable to drop it, I've been this way. I spend my time up all night, and sleeping all day. I have lost all motivation and this isn't a good reason to be doing such things. I wish there was a way I could get a second chance at this. College has been really difficult lately due to my laziness. If only I could just have a button to press so I could start over.

I came to school with the mentality that this was going to be easy. I was right for the first semester, but when second semester came, boy was I wrong. I know what I need to do to be successful at all this college shiet and life in general, and yet I still fail. I don't know why, but I don't even feel phased at failing the first course in my life. In high school, I would immediately start working hard, but here its different. I don't know why. Maybe its cause I live on campus. I don't know. Hopefully things will be different during my second year here since I'm living off campus.

Well, I'm going to be taking courses here in Merced during the summer. Sucks that I wont be able to see my friends during the summer. Man, I can't fuck up anymore. This is my last chance at proving to myself that I can be successful. I wish life wasn't so difficult, but that's life for yah. I need to do this for myself. I can't be doing this for anyone. Not my parents. Not my friends. It's selfish, but this is the only way. I hate this so much. Well, whoever is reading this.. wish me luck.. I'm going to need it.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I realized that when I have too much times on my hands, I am not productive at all.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

4-23-09 tricks

Some highlights of the tricks session today:
finally got cartwheel fulls back, still need to work on them.

shitty cartwheel fulls from Daniel Nguyen on Vimeo.


fail fail fail from Daniel Nguyen on Vimeo.

wooo tricksss

Cool Guy

Verbal is such a G

guh guh guh guh gaaaaaangstaaaah

Monday, April 20, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009


It was sunny today!! and you know what that means..


so yeah, its been a month since I tricked. Pretty damn tiring. I was training corks, but was failing miserably. So out of curiosity, I tried to do them out of a touchdown raiz and it was SO EASY!! Not to mention it looked a lot better too. Out of all the clips of my tricks today, I was only satisfied with two of them. Onto VIMEO they go!! haha

check it:

tdrc from Daniel Nguyen on Vimeo.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Upon reading posts from the publicus of the Tricks Tutorials forum, I stumble on this horrible story.

I lost my virginity (to a fatty)
So this girl named Mindy come over to my house to bid farewell to 2 of my roommates who are moving out. Never met her before.

Over the course of about an hour I talk to her and decided she wasn't hideous, so why not try out some of the stuff I learned from "the mystery method" Negs, IOI, IOD, DHV etc.. She totally fell for it and in about 2 hours I had her watching a movie in my bed, Almost Famous.

Earlier in the night she dared me to chug a beer which I did, though I was barely buzzed I should note, I told he she owed me.

At the end of the movie shes like "So what do I owe you" I think... hmmm I've always had a shower fantasy. So I subtly said "I'm taking a shower" then I very overtly brought a condom with me.

It was all pretty good, she ended up coming in. I stripped and got in, she was outside the shower. Then she turns off the light and I'm like ".... why don't you leave it on?" She silently sneaks into the shower and we start clumsily making out.

Meanwhile I'm as limp as wet spaghetti. Fuck! it's pitch black. I try to think of some arousing things, but the clumsy making out is very distracting and not very arousing.

Then she grabs my limp noodle and I'm kind of speechless in the moment. She then silently goes down and starts sucking my limp dick, I'm not sure why, maybe I'm so used to getting hard from porn I need visual stimulus. I swear it took like 3 or 4 minutes to finally get a nice picture in my head enough to arouse me.

Then finally the flag is at full mast, and she tries to slip it in. Still pitch black mind you, I don't even know what's happening, which I later found out is because she is loose as a fucking goose....

Now I'm not going to say I'm big, but I'm above average. like 7.5-8 inches. Her fat was in the way , she tried 3 different ways and could not get any more than the tip in, which made me laugh my ass off and again with no visual I lost Mr Flagpole.

She tried to revive it, but I assured her it was the dark.

We then tried to get dressed, all I had was my pants, she had a whole ensemble which for some reason she left on top of the open toilet seat and it fell in and got soaking wet.

Also I might add that the bathroom is in the middle of the house with 6 other people in it at the time, lol

So after laughing off the trip back to my room, it is like 3:45 am. I'm pretty tired and her body definitely was not the visual I needed for arousal. Eventually I convinced her to let me put on some porn which got me hard in less than a minute.

THEN the guy who moved out a month ago from the basement comes in the room to see the soon to depart roomates, he stays and makes conversation for about 5 minutes as she and him know eachother.

He finally leaves, soft again she refuses to reset the porn video and faps and sucks my softy for another 2-3 minutes before I am able to think vividly enough about the porn we watched earlier.

Finally I slip on the condom and am a little bit anxious about what is about to happen. I get on top, missionary, her fat legs around me.

She grabs it and slips it in, and I fought so hard not to put a horribly disappointed look on my face, it was like wanking with my hand relaxed, not squeezing she was fucking looser than a fucking bucket of worms.

Nevertheless I pumped away, it slipped out like 20 times and I couldn't tell most of the time. She was groaning and shit, I tried not to look at her, her pleasure faces were not pleasurable to observe.

I don't think she actually came, but she was like "whenever you're ready" so I tried my best. No luck. I said I had to piss and went to the bathroom and finished myself off.

PS: she was like 170lbs i'd guess

Horrible way to lose one's virginity lawl

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fall 2009 Classes

I just finished registering for my classes next semester aaand here's what I'm taking!

Chem 010
Math 023
Phys 008

wooo no more writing classes!!! xD


Today, I was horsing around after my big test. Someone punched me softly on my back. Figuring it was my friend, I turned around and gave them a roundhouse kick. It was my girlfriend. FML


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


For tomorrow:

Core Essay
Core Quantitative Assignment
Core Skills Assignment
Writing Essay



So I was bored today, as usual, and I was browsing the yahoo jp auctions for bape. Just browsing around as usual. I wasn't planning on purchasing anything for I had just purchased a Aoyama Tiger recently, but I saw something. One of my grails, for the cheapest price you could ever find in DS condition. 18,000円 which is roughly around 180 USD. This shoe is very rare and was released back in 2005. THIS WAS A STEAL AND I COULD NOT RESIST. So in result, I bought it.

Here are some pics of its sexiness:
<3 Bape

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I just woke up... slept through all my classes.. oops...

At least I didnt have anything due today LOL xD

on the other hand, the weather this weeks is horrible. Doesn't look like I'll have the opportunity to film any tricks week. Oh well, another opprotunity I'm going to miss out on.


So Allen just introduced the most addicting song to me ever.

소녀시대 (Girls' Generation) - Gee

Heres the music video:

And here is the video in just the white background with no close ups or anything:

ahh I love this song hahah

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Expensive Ass Pants

I frequently lurk on a forum known as BapeTalk2 and I noticed that some members who post on the What Did You Wear Today thread have some nice ass pants Lol. Curious, I began to do some research on denim and other things of that nature. Turns out the really nice denim, or the ones I think are really nice at least, are exclusively made in Japan and are very difficult to get your hands on. People line up on release dates for them, and they literally sell out within an hour. People, such as myself, then resort to purchasing them from resellers who inflate the price. I am currently interested in Fenom denim, but I can't justify spending $400+ dollars on a pair of pants. Perhaps one day when I'm ballin or have an excessive amount of money, which I doubt anytime soon, I will purchase an expensive ass pairs of pants.

This is the picture that I saw that got me interesed in fenom, and more specifically these are the Mastermind x Fenom Denim:
This is a moderator on the forum, Paulio4Prez. Very stylish mang if you ask me haha

here are some close ups of the pants via Hypebeast:

If you ask me, I think the denim would be a lot better with out those crystals. I doubt anyone would notice it unless they are familiar with the denim or own them themselves. The price for these ranged from $1000-$1500


I just recently purchased a hoody from paulio4prez and this is what it looks like!

woo! well, I better start working on my essay which is due at 11:59pm
yarrrr I hate essays, oh well. The things you have to do to be successful later in life.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Street Fighter Fail.

Today I was challenged to Street Fighter IV during my Chem Lab. I reluctantly accepted the challenge for I haven't played since Spring Break with Sam, my Street Fighter Rival. I followed my friend Gerald to his friend's dorm to play. As we proceeded to play, I was winning at first. Gerald who claimed that he beat everyone he has played with, except for one person, was in shock and said I was decent. Yes he said decent. I later learned why he said I was decent. We played matches which consisted of 7 rounds. I chose my favorite character, Akuma, and he chose Sagat. I soon came to learn that Sagat is in fact a very strong character who does a LOT of damage. Twenty six matches later... yes TWENTY FUCKING SIX MATCHES LATER I HAD NOT WON A SINGLE MATCH. HOW FUCKING SAD IS THAT?!?!?! I came to realize that I am not a good Street Fighter player, despite being able to beat practically all my friends at it back home. Except for Gay Allen who has been playing Street Fighter since he was a little noob ahah.

So yeah, a new light has been shed on me in the Street Fighting world. I am now going to train to become tournament worthy in this game. One day I will beat Gerald and Gay Allen LOL. Friggen Blanka and Sagat players. Oh well...


So it is 4:40 AM as I am writing this... and this is my first blog entry ever in my life.

I always thought about writing a blog, but never got to doing it. I guess the reason why I am doing this now is because I, for once, finished all of my homework/school work due for today and have nothing to do. I have adapted to staying up all night and functioning off of minimal amounts of sleep. Not such a great thing if you ask me.. Well since I have nothing to do at the moment, but this I will start rambling about the events I am looking forward to this week.

A good friend of mine suggested to me to film a sampler and submit it to LXD. I doubt I'd be selected, but hey I've got nothing to lose so why not give it a shot? For those of you who know me well, you will be fully aware of my laziness and lack of self motivation to get things done if I don't have to. This, however, is quite interesting to me and I haven't tricked in a while so this will be quite challenging. I have until Friday to get this done, and hopefully I stay on task this week so I can have the time to do this.

Speaking of Friday, Sam and Jess are coming to pick me up from Merced!! YESS hahah time to kick it with TAG again. Ever since I've gone away to school, I never realized how great my life was back home. Its good to know that I have friends who are willing to make a two hour drive to pick me up and a two hour drive to bring me to the Bay. Yes thats a total of four hours. Thats pretty damn long ahah.

So yeah, that is what I am looking forward to for this week...


The LXD trailer is pretty damn epic. It's nice to see someone I used to kick it with in here before he became a celeb and moved to LA. Friggen Jeremy the Mudda Ass LOL! You can see him at 2:21, 2:50, and 3:00

So yea, its 5:03 AM now and I should get to bed. Too bad I'm still wide awake.. *sigh*

Here's the LXD trailer:

Click the HD button!!