Sunday, May 24, 2009

Its been a whil

It's been a while since new Bape items have caught my interest.
Bapesta Animal Hoody Pack featuring the cow, panda, tiger, and shark


pics via hypebeast lawls

I wonder why they don't have a fish shoe.. Lol
Anyways, overall these are pretty plain shoes, but they still look nice. Very simple, clean, and mature look compared to older bape items. This is a good change that I am looking forward to seeing more of because I eventually have to get my grown man on and this will be a nice transition. Yee!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


So in the past few weeks I've watched a bunch of Korean movies. Overall, they were all pretty damn good. Good plot with lots of drinking, fighting and smoking. I'm not going to lie, I wanted to do all three while watching and after LOL

Here are a couple

City of Violence
Chingoo (Friend)
Doosaboo ilchae 1& 2 (My Boss, My Hero)
Fighter in the Wind
Haebaragi (Sunflower)
Lost Memories
Pongryeok-sseokeul (Gangster High)
Tae Guk Gi (The Brotherhood Of War)

Check em out yo!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Rude Awakenings

I can't believe someone could be so inconsiderate. I'm fucking sleeping peacefully and you open the door to hang out in the lounge chatting away with others and you don't even close the fucking door. Thanks a lot asshole.

I don't usually hold grudges against people or get angry easily, but you my friend have ticked me off for the last time. I could tell from the beginning that you were a potential asshole, and you haven't proved me wrong. You arrogant shit, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be in the position you are in today. You wouldn't have hooked up with the girl of your dreams. You could at least be considerate. I hope you're finally realizing how you need to change your ways. Especially when I slammed the door on you. Fucker jocking on my steeze, you really annoy me now.

This motherfucker piles up the trash in the lounge and never takes it out. He takes my bottles of water without asking even when I tell him I'm running out, he just replies with "oh really?" I fucking tell him to look at the case there's only 3 bottles left and he doesn't say a thing.

I've done so much for you man. I helped you establish your own club here. I woke you up after long nights of work and you had to get up for class or to meet up with a girl. I made sure that you got out of bed to go to your commitments. I offered you food whenever the Dining Commons was closed and you were hungry. I brought your camera to KCN practice when I had other things to do. Even when I went to come support you at KCN, you asked me to go back to the room to get your camera, and I did even though I didn't have to. When you were in times of doubt, I was always there to talk to you. I helped you out when it came to approaching girls and gave you the confidence to ask a girl out.

The only times you did anything nice for me was because I had already did something nice for you and probably felt bad if you didn't. I remember talking to a friend about you and he said you were a arrogant asshole and I defended you saying that you're not. Well, now things have changed.

You were tolerable before, but now I can't stand you. I'm glad that the semester is coming to an end and that I don't have to deal with you anymore.

Thanks for being the biggest asshole ever David W.S. Cheng

- Your roommate

Friday, May 1, 2009

school and shiet

I really need to shape up in terms of school. Lately I haven't been motivated to go to class or do any work. In return my grades have been falling. Ever since I found out that I had no chance in passing Math 022 and was unable to drop it, I've been this way. I spend my time up all night, and sleeping all day. I have lost all motivation and this isn't a good reason to be doing such things. I wish there was a way I could get a second chance at this. College has been really difficult lately due to my laziness. If only I could just have a button to press so I could start over.

I came to school with the mentality that this was going to be easy. I was right for the first semester, but when second semester came, boy was I wrong. I know what I need to do to be successful at all this college shiet and life in general, and yet I still fail. I don't know why, but I don't even feel phased at failing the first course in my life. In high school, I would immediately start working hard, but here its different. I don't know why. Maybe its cause I live on campus. I don't know. Hopefully things will be different during my second year here since I'm living off campus.

Well, I'm going to be taking courses here in Merced during the summer. Sucks that I wont be able to see my friends during the summer. Man, I can't fuck up anymore. This is my last chance at proving to myself that I can be successful. I wish life wasn't so difficult, but that's life for yah. I need to do this for myself. I can't be doing this for anyone. Not my parents. Not my friends. It's selfish, but this is the only way. I hate this so much. Well, whoever is reading this.. wish me luck.. I'm going to need it.